Launching StreetSmart 2013 in Cornwall

This year’s StreetSmart campaign in Cornwall is a joint effort, spearheaded by experienced agency Eventy Marketing & PR and Cornwall Content.
If you are interested in taking part please e-mail
StreetSmart is a national campaign to help the homeless, raising money through £1 donations from those dining in the country’s top restaurants during November and December.
This simple concept has raised over £6.3 million since 1998, growing every year in terms of donations and the number of restaurants taking part. According to Gordon Ramsey, whose restaurants join in each year, “StreetSmart has become part of Christmas for us. It’s everyone’s chance to do the right thing at the right time, with only the gentlest nudge.”
Taking part is straightforward, and every pound really counts. Here’s how:
- Restaurants agree to take part – there are no forms to fill in and no cost to them.
- During November and December, restaurants ask guests if they are happy to add a voluntary donation of £1 to their bill, keeping track of money raised through their till.
- Guests can turn down the opportunity to support – although this rarely happens.
- At the beginning of January each restaurant writes a cheque to StreetSmart for the total amount raised.
- Sponsorship from Deutsche Bank ensures there are no admin fees – each and every donation goes to charities working with the homeless.
- Everything raised in Cornwall goes to charities working to make a difference within the county.
The charities which benefit are carefully chosen by StreetSmart, and in Cornwall they are:
- St Petrocs
- Cornwall Women’s Refuge Trust
- Cornish Food Banks
All programs are designed to facilitate long-term change, with a view to finding a place to live and an occupation in life for people who currently live on the streets.
In today’s economic climate, homelessness is becoming an increasing danger for those living on the economic edge. An enormous surge in demand has seen Food Banks under increasing pressure, with The Guardian reporting that three times as many people received food aid this year compared to last. StreetSmart is an easy way to donate just a small amount and really make a difference to the most vulnerable people living in the UK today.